Notes - Jupiter Team Huddle 2022-03-11
Jupiter Team Huddle
Mar 11, 2022 | Jupiter Team Huddle
Attendees: Jupiter Maintainers
Reviewing Last Meeting
Notes - Jupiter Team Huddle 2022-03-03
New User Flow
Willie: more featured items on page load
Sneha: have some featured events happening soon
Willie: shopping cart idea for student orgs during first time set-up
Willie: randomize order of orgs in list for recommendations
Jake: likes it
Shriya: Yes, that definitely works for now
Willie: have a carousel at the top, potentially good for marketing
Jake: agree, maybe even look like movie posters
Jake: user’s class schedule (from planner) is in the nebula profile, and we can intelligently suggest things that don’t conflict with class schedule
Action items
Start work on landing page
Start work on org directory: Jake
Home page: Shreyon
Creating architecture diagrams