Jupiter Team Huddle - 2022-04-18
Review progress
Shriya will think about the different ways students would want to filter organizations along with tags
Shriya will think about the product requirements for a student group organizer
Sneha will work on user setting/profile and making minor changes to existing wireframes
Nhi will revise the organization description page
Jake will get home page and directory pipeline ready, start creating GitHub issues
Shreyon will work on onboarding if able
Willie will reach out to Shreyon, create some issues for existing tasks
Get Charlie to set up issue/PR templates, continuous deployment for code
Shriya talked to people about tags
One wanted only tags
One wanted categories and optional tags
Have an umbrella for MVP
Fit into design
Replacing tags in UI with categories
Inherently, all filtering is optional
If we know the difference between both, it makes sense
Categories could be more broad
Tags can be more niche?
If it’s a new user,
How would we organize orgs with categories or tags?
Probably start with categories
Create a list of categories and tags
Product requirements for a student group organizer
Separate sign up for organizers
Preview for editing club page
Add organization button
Current verification of club legitimacy when signing up
Current presence verification: emails of 5 officers
SOC contacts you to set up orientation/contact your advisor
Verification not needed if we are encouraging any student group to use jupiter (not only official student orgs)
Goes through approval process to avoid obscene content/trolls
Different admin view or integrate into “My Clubs”
Shriya will research other products
Inbox for organization messages
FAQ on organization page
User profile Wireframes
Calendar: create our own or integrate
Interests: drop down or pop up
Products that have similar features
Pinterest, Twitter, Google Ad Settings, Tiktok, Google News, Flipboard
Function of interests
Recommending clubs at onboarding
Personalization of user dashboard + events shown to user
Users may not want to change interests often
Put interest onboarding component into settings
Account settings vs. jupiter settings
Separate profile and user settings
Examples of orgs with different names, tag amounts, etc