Notes - Jupiter Product Design Chat
Feb 25, 2022 | Jupiter Product Design Chat
Attendees: Willie Chalmers III
Some user stories:
New user set-up flow
As a student, I should be able to:
Share my general interests
See clubs recommended to me based on my interests
save clubs that interest me
Add background information of myself
See a calendar/planner that lists important club dates
Search for clubs using broad terms
As a student, I should see a Home page filled with recommended clubs based on my interests and current ongoing events
As a student, I should see a calendar or planner that lists important club dates
As a student, I should be able to search for clubs using broad/general keywords
Orgs directory
As a student, I should be able to:
See a list of all student groups on campus
Find a student group by name
Filter student groups by their focus
Easily see description of orgs/cubs
orgs/clubs activity status
As a student/administrator, I should see a tab linked to a page that is the directory of all the different clubs on campus and if they are active or not
As a student, I should see the description of different clubs as I click on their name
Action items
Create more user stories based on Figma brainstorming
Read Onboarding - Material Design
Open a discussion for similar products and inspiration
Include information on Presence
Have others on review discussions and issues