2024-09-30 Meeting notes
Sep 30, 2024
@Abhiram Tadepalli
Finalize https://nebula-labs.atlassian.net/browse/TRNDS-8 (axes and hover functionality)
Marketing Ideas
https://nebula-labs.atlassian.net/browse/TRNDS-58 brainstorming (for post-launch)
Start getting feedback and marketing
Let’s get things done. We’re in the home stretch
Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
- Graph axes should be named “# of Grades” and “% of Grades”
- Hover option over the big trends text on the homepage should tell users why we are called Trends
- Disabling the search bar, when there is not valid class or professor.
- Change the error message in dashboard to “No overlap between the selected courses, professors and filters”
- Question mark with help/tutorial that also triggers feedback/rate/bug report
- Make the entire search result card clickable