09/21/2023 - User Interviews

09/21/2023 - User Interviews


Grad date

Do you plan your degree?

What do you do when it comes time to register for classes?

What difficulty you face while planning the degree

Do you planner/Shown the website



Grad date

Do you plan your degree?

What do you do when it comes time to register for classes?

What difficulty you face while planning the degree

Do you planner/Shown the website


Pratham/Computer Science/Freshman

Radhika Aggarwal/ CS/Senior




  • Degree plan online (Flowchart)

    Exel sheet format

  • Confused on what courses to take when

  • schedule planner is not proper


  • add minor option as well for the course

  • agreement for the transcript upload

  • upload excel sheet for diff majors

  • core req validation

Alexa/undecided/Sophomore (2022)


yes (Excel) - HR

  • Find class based on availability

  • UTD grades, coursebook, rate my professor

  • Not getting into class or the specific time

  • before enrollment finalize the classes


Product is cool and will use it!



through a printout

  • Find class based on availability

  • UTD grades, coursebook, rate my professor

  • finding the right professor and the right time


Liked the credit update feature


Name: Stu

Major: Computer Science

Year: Junior

Contact: spb210000@utdallas.edu

  • TCC 2020 transfer 2021 and lost all credits

  • First advisor was completely useless ended up having to contacting someone else

  • New advisor he was assigned to is fine

    • Responds to emails

    • Just gives them his NetID and they send him an annotated flow chart with classes crossed out already

    • When he first transferred to UTD, he had to reach out to an advisor that wasn’t assigned to him and they sent him something similar

    • Computer generated, excel file with stuff he needed to do, just ticking up things himself

  • If can be lazy will be very lazy

  • Sometimes will email advisors for their documentation

  • Went over the Excel sheet they sent him with his partner very carefully, highlighting courses he’s taken and still needs to take

  • Thinks it very important for students to have something that GUIDES them

  • Would be nice to have… describes an interactive flowchart idea

  • As international student he likes the credit tag warning

  • Biggest issue had was going through all the classes and all the prereqs and had to track

  • Finds flow chart easy to read and follow


Name: Nandhini Parthipan

Major: Biochem

Year: Freshman

Contact: nxp200021@utdallas.edu

  • Haven’t really met her advisors

  • Met with them because had a few questions went back and forth via email

  • Felt it was clear what classes she had to take

  • Just uses flowchart and kinda follows it

  • Orientation walked them through how to pick classes, core classes, electives. Showed them catalog and got own specific degree plan

  • Got an excel sheet, plans to just keep using excel sheet in the future

  • Feels that she can always reach out to advisors if she has any questions

  • Advisor was pretty open about communicating with her

    • Responded to her quickly even over the summer

  • Premed has a second advisors HVAC affiliated with the school center at the school but she has yet to contacat them

  • Freshman seminar went over how to picks classes and stuff

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