09/14/2023 - User Interviews JSOM

09/14/2023 - User Interviews JSOM

Poornima Thanikai Velu

Grad/Undergrad: Grad , grad date - Decemeber’24

Major: Business Analytics

Do you plan your degree?


What do you do when it comes time to register for classes?

  •  I am a cohort student where courses are offered to us by Program Director by mail.

  • Can you change your courses. When and how? Yes we can go on website and change the course or mail the Prog Director before Census day

  • What is the hardest thing about planning your degree? → Figuring out when to take which subject

  • When was the last time encountered this problem? → every semester before deciding the course

  • Why was this hard? → Because we do not have any prior knowledge on the subject and not sure whether its good for the career.

  • What have you done to solve this problem? → Spoke to Program Director and seeked guidance form seniors.

  • What don’t you love about problems you already tried? → Absence of platform to directly approach someone while planning your semester

showed her planner, its not much of the use for her degree but she provided suggestion


  • Grad perspective - gather Info on career related courses so that they don’t have to go through same kind of courses and check all the semesters.


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