Athena Team Meeting 3-24-2022
Workload Round up
Look towards this weekend and D-day
Look towards after D-day
Unit Testing/ Bug Searching
Beta Testers
The Checklist left to do
Big Fish
Persistent Dashboard Layout - Eric, Taya, Shoaib
API calls with defined types in module files - Taya
Linking together dashboard and splash page - William
Data Processing - TBD
Tab Navigation - Chen?/ Taya
Refactor expandable grid for editting - William
Small Fries (things we’d like to get to)
Fullscreen graphs
Related content dropdowns - Eric
Hide buttons
The Last Push
Thank you!
Charlie has been working on autocomplete, says Saturday for deployment
Aggregate data should be done Friday
Luckily, UTD Grades data doesn’t need to be scraped.
Eric cares about his team’s personal life. For some reason “team building”
Willie probably lost his mind
Eric went camping
Taya fucked up her sleep schedule
Charlie turned nocturnal for fun
Eric thanked the team and showcased them commits
Taya’s refreshing the home page
Focus on maintainability after launch
Team will explore documentation, refactoring, and unit testing
New team members won’t be like “what on earth is this”
A/B testing will take place after product launch
We may have to change scrollable layout
Eric would like to focus on more polish in preparation for launch
There should be a way to edit the courses that are chosen to filter
William be like yeah sure
Action Items
Shoaib will make the courses editable
Eric would like someone else to work on the persistent dashboard layout
Charlie comfortable with implementing endpoint
Tayisia will help implement some endpoint