Skedge - Feature specifications

Skedge - Feature specifications

Feature Brief


This feature will help to visualize information and data about the professors who are currently taking the subject that the patrons are taking.

Problem Statements

I am a student who wants to see and compare information about professors taking a particular subject. I am trying to decide on a professor based on their rating, grading, reviews, etc. But I have to toggle between two pages again and again because there is no page where I can have the specific information about the professors along with adding my subject in the galaxy which makes me feel frustrated.


  • More clicks on the extension when someone is adding a course.

  • Visually appealing and easy-to-understand data about the different professors taking a particular subject

  • Can an extension notification pop up when we choose a subject without the user needing to click for it?


(Feature): Populate data about all the professors taking the subject of interest (SOI) that a user wants to add with grade distribution, reviews from RMP, average or median review points, professor profile, other subjects taught by the professor

(User behavior): More clicks on the extension, More CP Ratio(explained below) and more average time spent on the page with the extension activated. More clicks within the extension.


If we achieve to show all the professors (along with the rating and metrics) of the subject of interest in a clean way, then it will result in more CP Ratio and more clicks within the extension leading to more downloads of the extensions and ultimately more average time spent with skedge.

Vision Narrative

Parth is a student who wants to register for classes for the upcoming semester. He wants to research on what subjects to take, which professors to choose based on past grading and reviews, He visits UTD Trends where he does his primary research on the professors and the courses, he then learns about the skedge and is redirected to the extension. He adds it into the browser and when he adds the subject the extension activates and the notification pops up (discuss if we can make a pop up and what should it say). The screen is populated by the professors that are taking the subject along with the grade distribution and reviews. He can now compare all the information on his current screen without having to switch back and forth between tabs. This helps save time and effort and ultimately a smooth experience from researching on what subjects to take to finally adding the subject with a professor of his choice.

Rough Scoping & Timeline

  • V1 – Data about all the professors currently taking the SOI (subject of interest). A pop-up when the user has selected the SOI (subject of interest)

  • Scale of the project – Medium size

  • Rollout - Roll out to a select group of users for beta testing before a full release.

  • Testing – We will test based on the number of clicks within the extension and extension downloads.
    If we have an automatic pop up feature then we can define a metric as Clicks to Popup ratio.(CP Ratio). Succes will be measure by the how close is the CP ratio is to 1.

Key Trade-Offs & Decisions

  • For example, were there any alternatives considered?

Concept Mocks

Include some mocks or a prototype to illustrate the concept. (Add links)



Review Feature Brief before continuing

Feature Proposal


  1. Automatic pop up notification when the Subject of Interest (SOI) is selected. This will help in triggering the user to click on the extension and use it. Also it can be a bit tiring to click again and again after adding the SOI.

If we are able to achieve the pop up feature then we can also define a mertic –

Click to Pop up Ratio (CP Ratio) – This will help us understand how many users who have skedge and are using it to research about the professors. It can be used as a conversion rate.


CP Ratio = (No of Clicks on Pop ups) / ( non of pop ups )               Range ~ [0,1]    


We would like to have the CP score more towards 1. A good starting point will be more than 0.6
This would mean that 60% of the users who have skedge are clicking on the popup and looking at the information.

We can also define this as the North Star Mertic of Skedge.


  1. A click will populate all the professors teaching the Subject of Interest. With a scroll-down option. The data/information that is presently finalized is sufficient.
    In my opinion, we must try to make it as simple and easy to understand as possible.

Information/Data – Grade Distribution, Reviews, Median Review Score, WTA, DIFF, Other subjects taught by the professor.


  1. We can also add a link to redirect to UTD Trends if the user wants to research more about the professor / SOI. Similarly we can add a link on Trends for users to redirect and download Skedge.

Risks & Mitigations


Open Questions

Gather open questions here while the spec is in progress.


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