09/20/2023 - PM connect

09/20/2023 - PM connect


Sep 20, 2023


  • @Ragini Tiwari (Unlicensed)

  • @Mohit Shinde (Unlicensed)

  • @Shubhrata Gupta (Unlicensed)


  • Updates on previous week work

  • Any blockers

  • Product Walkthrough

  • Jira access

  • Go through user surveys and come up with pain points


 Action items

@Ragini Tiwari (Unlicensed) Provide Jira access to Shubratha


  1. New survey will be helpful since we are focusing towards undergrads



  • Shubratha
    Did user interviews

  • Mohith

  • User survey , went through Product, thinking of the pain points

  • Can think of Dual majors to add a part of planner

  • Does undergrads have internships credit. If so, how are they accomodated

  • What are transfer credits / CLEP scores / AP courses - How does this encorporated in planner

  • Mohith, shubratha - Can commit for 4-5 hrs

  • Need more primary PMs who can give more hours.


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