F23 Recruiting Proposal

F23 Recruiting Proposal


Recruiting is hard Our club has historically maintained an open-door policy regarding recruiting. This meant anyone interested in joining Nebula would be able to do so by showing up to a team meeting. However, it led to a host of issues (uneven team distribution, teams being overwhelmed, lack of direction for getting involved, confusion about how to join Nebula, funnily enough, etc).

The challenge we have is to devise a recruiting process that allows us to live up to our organizational values, provide a great experience for recruits & members, and enable project teams to make good progress on their projects.

Proposed Solution

From 8/21 Recruiting Meeting

  • Enforce 2 week observation period, then fill out interest form (2 projects; 1 division)

  • Leadership places people from interest form to certain projects

  • Not closing the door to filtering people at the interest form

  • Prioritize quality of experience of quantity of people

Things To Discuss

  • How should the observation period work?

    • How long

    • What does it look like?

    • Projects & division info sessions?

  • How should the matching form work?

    • What is the capacity of each project?

    • How many people do we want to accept?

    • Website as a project?

  • How long should the matching form window be for?

    • Rolling

    • Open at specific times during semester

  • How should this work for each role?

    • Engineering

    • Design

    • Product


Final Decisions