ecs.all email

ecs.all email

Hi all! We are Nebula Labs, an interdisciplinary group of designers, engineers, product specialists, and marketing managers that build open-source software for the UTD community 🚀. You may have heard of or even used UTD Trends, our recently launched tool, but we have several others!


We welcome you to get involved with us by attending our Spring Kickoff on Tuesday, January 28th at 7:00PM in SCI 1.220!! We’ll be talking more about our projects, divisions, and recruitment 🎉


If you can’t wait to get started, learn more about our projects and processes by visiting our Discord, website, GitHub, Confluence, or meeting us in-person at any of our upcoming events!


We’ll be at:

  • Our Kickoff 🚀!!

    • Tuesday, January 28th at 7pm in SCI 1.220

  • Spring Organization Fair☄️💫!

    • Tuesday, February 4th from 1pm-4pm in the Visitor Center Atrium

  • Our Hot Chocolate Social🍦😋🍨!!

    • Tuesday, February 4th at 7pm in SCI 2.215

  • The Jonsson School Org Fair💻🏫!

    • Monday, February 17th from 10am-2pm in the ECSW Courtyard!

We know that’s a lot😅, but it’s all on our Discord events and you’ll be able to add all of that to your Google calendar using this link: https://www.utdnebula.com/resources/calendar


Can’t wait to see y’all at Kickoff and all our super fun upcoming events!


Discord: https://discord.utdnebula.com/

Website: https://www.utdnebula.com 

GitHub: https://github.com/UTDNebula

Confluence: https://nebula-labs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/0YD5AQ