Partition via folders w/ year name and copy over all degree plans from previous year.
Concerns: Maintainability/support.
Run a scheduled workflow that checks if current year produces diff between last year.
if no diff: create new directory for current year and copy over the old degree plan
create a PR for copying of degree plan
if diff, open Jira ticket
If a shared requirement changes logically, create a new edge case for that specific major.
If an edge case changes, create a new edge case
Do we support degrees before 2022?
We’ll keep all the degree plans, including old ones
Run it once a year
Run it one time a year automatically, if issues occur. Allow workflow to be run manually.
If diff open an issue
If no diff copyover files to new year directory and make a PR
Script output github workflow object:
Action Items
- Rename all edge cases to be prefixed with y2022 (variables can’t start w/ numbers)
- Rename all of them in the degrees
- Create script/workflow