Fall '23 Nebula Hack

Fall '23 Nebula Hack


Date : October 27th

Time : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Location : ECSW 1.315


Before Event

  1. Confirm Nebula Hack date & time (pending room reservation)

    1. @Caleb Lim

  2. Send announcement (1-1.5 weeks before event)

    1. @Caleb Lim

  3. Buy some drinks (soda?, food, plates)

    1. @Amrit Rathie (Unlicensed)

During Event

  1. Grab room around 5:30 ish (last class is at 4:00PM)

  2. Order pizza (x2 people)

    1. Someone needs to place the order in advance

    2. 2 people need to pick it up

    3. Arrival time: 7:00PM

  3. Music & vibe

After Event

  1. Submit reimbursements for pizza & drinks

    1. @Amrit Rathie (Unlicensed)


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