(blue star) Date

(blue star) Participants

List meeting participants using their @ mention names

(blue star) Goals

List goals for this meeting (e.g., Set design priorities for FY19)

(blue star) Discussion topics



Starting points

  • User personas

  • User stories


  • Based on user stories and survey analysis, reevaluate Trends feature design


  • 1 week user personas and stories

  • 1 week feature specification

    • Text documents outlining each of the features, what they do, how they address the stories

  • 1 week layout design

    • Big picture page layout, what goes where

  • 2-3 weeks high-fidelity designing of the website

    • Make sure to be clear about what each button, text field, etc. do, where they take you, what sort of data shows up


  • Document all of the decisions that are made and why they were made that way

(blue star) Action items

Add action items to close the loop on open questions or discussion topics:

(blue star) Decisions

Type /decision to record the decisions you make in this meeting:
