Survey Summary - Spring 2023

Survey Summary - Spring 2023


  • BOLD - Important ones

Possible Features

Features that can be derived from the pain points of survey participants

Notification of class availability
Better Searching with filters
Course overview page
Professor overview page

Survey Analysis

Provides the top 3 answers selected by the survey participants

How do you choose which courses to take next semester?

Research or Interests
Availability of Prof.
Word of Mouth – Wireframe for popular page.


How do you choose a Prof. for a course?

Word of mouth or popularity
Availability - Coursicle, Coursebook integration


Time Spent in choosing courses:

1-3 days: One thing to reduce is centralized place.


How important are Reviews & Rating for a course?:

60-70%: Comments from RMP and Trends



List of students who took the course and their reviews, ratings.
Online and Offline courses filter?
Centralized place - Upgrade of Coursebook – syllabus, visualization, etc
RMP, UTD Grades
Fail/Pass metrics
Level of Difficulty
All professors available for a course – All sems & history of prof.
Prof. side overview.: Linkedin or UTD Page
Social app for asking prof. Experience.: Website version
Teaching Style: Hashtags for better filters
All 3 tools on same platform
Amount of assignments and projects offered by the Prof. for the course: Grading Criteria


Do you use any application/tool/website to finalize the course and the professor? If Yes, Which one and Why ?

UTD Discord & Reddit

Biggest challenge

  1. Too much back n forth for choosing and deciding courses : A centralized portal will be helpful

  2. Suggest courses whose timing is not clashing with already enrolled courses.

  3. Limited Sections, Class Full, Waitlisting issues: Add a Notification Option

  4. Pre-Requite issue for transfer students. ON Hold: Website for equivalent transfer credit exists. Not sure how to.

  5. Few Profs. are available only in fall. No information on that is there: Doable. 2 months

  6. Backup plan when course is not available.: Suggest other Prof. Available

  7. Freshman hard to understand course requirements.