\uD83D\uDDD3 Date
\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
\uD83E\uDD45 Agenda
Look over Agenda
Make sure everyone who needs to can access GitHub, Jira/Confluence, Discord, and Figma
Re: Communication
Updates: Designer Tasks From Last meeting
Finalize LHS table mockup
Ask about RHS Width, use my mockup if needed
Updates: Engineer Tasks From Last Meeting
Course Name fix
Course Overview skeleton fix
Compare Component update (disappear/lag)
#172 rmp loading
#182 Component Documentation
#185 Skeleton sizing w/in expanded search result card
#184 Default sorting dashboard
# 175 + #187 - sorting in compare table
Tyler Hill Meeting Photo (candid, sometime throughout the meeting when there’s a good Trends graphic up)
RHS Size
Product - User Stories?
Assign Tasks and Merge
Merge #190 course name
Review and Merge #191 Course Overview Skeleton (and professor?)
\uD83D\uDDE3 Discussion topics
Item | Notes |
GitHub, Confluence, Figma access |
Intro |
Communication |
Designer work review |
Engineering |
Discussion |
✅ Action items
- Abhiram Tadepalli make a dashboard redesign issue
- Abhiram Tadepalli make issue for adding columns to compare
- Designers: work on compare redesign to add all data points
- Annie Nguyen Make default sorting alphabetical for now
⤴ Decisions
Dashboard redesign finalized
RHS split 50/50
RHS: keep colors, change colors on light/dark mode, bold text
Default sorting: alphabetical
show arrows always