ex: “John Cole” results in course filter appearing
Dynamic sidebar
Always: Time range, RMP
Is Professor filter required?
Might be duplicating data
If we want multiple professors, we can search “1200” first then narrow down prof
Only relevant if there’s a lot of Professors
Time range filter might be nice
How do we handle profs that don’t teach anymore
2-3 year cutoff?
Decision: Should be under the bar, like Google, not on the side. Typing is limited to entering chips.
Tyler Hill : typing tokens “from:” is less intuitive than side panel or other discrete UI
RMP, time are parameters
Inspired by Google Trends
Search tokens:
Search bar is for more free text, but tokens (chips) can also be in there for setting parameters.
Buttons below it (see Google Trends) are for more numerical things. Could also be professors
Can we convert matched names into chips (tokens)
“CS1200 John Cole” could be its own chip
User is typically searching for specific courses or professors
So, we should be fairly strict on our autocomplete - “John” should only mean profs who are “John”
User knows what they’re looking for usually
Is autocomplete a core feature?
Can we spell teacher’s name?
Typing speed - is autocomplete faster?
Yes it is
Exact match should turn into tokens
“John Cole” becomes a chip after hitting space
Current autocomplete backend, but show chips in the UI?
May not be hard as a first step
Decision: Course identifiers like “CS” aren’t needed as chips
Prof name, course prefix+number, course name (maybe) can be chips
Later goal: detect year in the search bar and populate filter UI
If Prof isn't specified, should we include “all professors” in the search options?
Separate compare page isn’t needed, can select results and get a compare modal
Needs to be designed
If we don't have data for a prof, fall back to general data for that course or prof, and show in the UI that we’re doing that
Design: should right side of page refresh when search changes?
William Skaggs shorter text would be preferred for communicating
Please assign tasks, give opportunity to discuss them later (at the meeting)
Could help other people’s understanding too, collaborative effort on task
suggestion: Limit to 2 paragraphs
Want to see members showing prototypes and debating them
✅ Action items
Review same tasks on Discord - critique design.
Hima Sathvika Nagi Reddy determine information hierarchy, a document laying out what elements of the design (data points and how that data is presented) need to be emphasized. Due by midnight so others have time to provide feedback
Solomon W. design search bar based on agreed functional design we talked about at this meeting. Due by midnight so others have time to provide feedback
Spencer Ng design righthand side content. Due by next meeting
Boden Chen design comparison page (start by working on info hierarchy and righthand side content to determine with comparison modal is even needed). Due by next meeting
William Skaggs Reach out to Josh about upcoming semesters for “profs who will be teaching this”