Jake Spann
Abhiram Tadepalli
Apr 16, 2024
Sept 02, 2024
William Skaggs
Obinna Anaenugwu
Tyler Hill
George Zhang
Hima Sathvika Nagi Reddy
Spencer Ng
Engineering - assigned issues
Want an endpoint to bypass aggregation when querying data
Card design
progress on component for each row
need updates before next week, even with dummy data
Filter - going well (Tyler Hill Patel, Harsh A )
Should be fully done by next meeting
RHS content (Obinna Anaenugwu )
Waiting on design
should add ability to swap between content
Sticky header - when content scrolls the header stays
Looking good!
Want ability to add items to comparison and bookmark them
Bookmarks added to header in design
Bookmarks ≠ compare
Bookmarks persist across sessions, compare does not
It’s a lower priority
Comparison and info tabs
will be inline in the same page
Selected items in the table
Should remain in the list when selected, but be visually distinct (moved to top)
Could pin selected rows to the top of the table
limit to compare - 3/5
Clicking a course expands it
how much extra data is shown?
Extra RMP data (from skedge scraper)
tags (later)
number of ratings and grades
tags (later)Later stuff once it’s available
course evals
Two graphs for RMP and Grades?
Each graph needs a “number of” indicator in the legend
Need to pinpoint what happens on right side
overview tab only changes when you search something
compare tab is default
RHS will have two graphs, with list of info above
Distribution grades, ratings, number of each in the legend
Will try for sticky pinned search results, but not critical
Apex charts gives us a legend with visibility toggle
Sticky headers are hard to implement
Search mutual exclusion
Ex: If you have two courses and John Smith, do you then get John Smith for each course?
We should have one course multiple professors, AND one professor multiple courses
Right now the latter doesn’t work
Can trust the user with no mutual exclusion
Search for cartesian product
Could not show RHS if we have multiple courses
If we have John Smith and CS1337: compare, overview, prof overview tabs will appear
Last meeting on April 23
Nebula Hack - tentative April 26
Tomorrow - React workshop
EOY social after Nebula Hack