Autocomplete Search bar to allow free input of courses, professors, etc.
Break into clearly defined search fields
Present course grade distribution- Core Features
Simplify data presentation as much as possible
Remove Box and Whisker
Clear presentation of Pass/Fail metric
Aggregated across semesters by professor
Timing of course - badge
Course Eval Data
General Coursebook information - syllabus
Extracting information from syllabus
# of assignments, percentages of different assignments, exams, etc. (NLP)Adithya Chintala
Filtering Core
filtering out schools or subjects you just don't care about
filtering by class (freshmen, sophomore, etc.)
From - To for grading distribution. No need of To button as recent sem data is always needed
Filtering Addons
Offline vs Online
Filling fast
Difficulty level
Filter by time (morning, evening, etc.)
Present course grade distribution - Addons
Course popularity (likely to fill up quickly)
Suggesting sections or professors that are related to current queries
Notification about when sections are open (Schedule Planner is real time, Coursebook delayed)
Grade level needed to count as pre-req
Reviews Tab Core
Links to other sites like Reddit or RMP
Present information about professors - Core
Empty Placeholder with coming soon with click analytics
Present information about professors - Addon
Info drawn from RMP
Would Take Again
NLP-based tagging system drawing on RMP or Review/Q&A in our own site
Specific qualities of a professor (go to office hours, curves heavily, etc.)
Data about which professors teach certain courses (Falls or Spring, etc.)
Professors' education, research interests, CV
Official University website
suggesting sections or professors that are related to current queries
General Notifications
Important dates for registration
currently just in the academic calendar
Reviews Tab Addon
Our own storage of user data (Platform)
Easy sharing via URL
URL sharing for Planner users to jump to Trends