https://knightsoftheflexboxtable.com/ - Good exercise for learning how flexbox works and remembering the corresponding Tailwind classes
Notes from old resource document:
Git / GitHub
Learn Git Branching
Interactive tool for demonstrating branching
Introduces features building on top of the others
“Gamifies” it with a couple challenges for each feature
JavaScript & TypeScript
Learn Javascript
Seems like a decent resource, though requires linear completion (later parts don’t unlock till you’ve completed earlier stuff)
Quite basic, assuming only that you understand programming concepts
Typescript for Javascript Programmers
Good, short tutorial to introduce the main differences and similarities between Typescript and Javascript
Typescript for New Programmers
Also relatively short, but covers some topics more in-depth
Components and Props
Explains basics of components and props in React
Thinking in React
Not exactly intro material, but important to consider
React Crash Course
4-hour long mega-video all about stuff you can do in React
Nice chapter markings that mean you can just skip to the parts you need if you already know earlier stuff
Create a Next.js App
Tutorial to create full nextjs app from the ground up