Jake Spann
Nov 16, 2023
Review Progress
Engineering: Show off demos
Tyler: merged many refinement PR’s into develop
George: work on improved top bar
What do we do for mobile?
Need to consider this design for mobile
Local changes
Still needs to reach out about Google Analytics
Solomon to talk with Sai
Goal is to get current designs into high-fidelity state
To use assets created for other projects, to keep consistent design language
If you don’t pick anything in the new picker, you can search anything
“Sort By” in the picker
Should it be “Any”?
Do we need the picker?
Alleviates confusion found in user testing when people didn’t know what to do with it
AB Testing
Trends Search Page A/B Testing
AB Testing on search bar (including on homepage)
judging how intuitive it is based on how many click and navigations to homepage
Feedback window will show
Will be launching this on the full website
How much traffic are we getting?
We do have visitors (10-20/week)
Worth doing AB testing, partially as a way to prove we can do AB testing
General Updates