Officers and Head of Engineering should be assigned ‘admin’ permissions on the organization. WHat does this do and whyAlthough this won’t be needed on a day-to-day basis, organization admins are able to modify anything on the
Other Members and Contributors
Other contributors should be invited to the GitHub organization with ‘read’ permissions. Alumni/inactive contributors can remain as org members as this only assigns read privileges to repos.//
todo: only org admins have the permissions to do this and we need a way for project leads to add people to the github organization.
David and I discussed creating a Discord bot to do this. We could also set up a small web server to handle webhook payloads from GitHub whenever a user gets added to a team and automatically invite them to the org
Project Repository Permissions
<project name> Maintainers
<project name> Reviewers
todo: copy reviewer team settings from planner pr reviewer
The project lead should have admin privileges on all the teams, allowing a lead to assign members to their teams. This needs to be explicitly set on the parent project team and the child teams since an admin of a parent team doesn't automatically become an admin on child teams.