Contact: sxg200117@utdallas.edu FOLLOW UP EMAIL SEND ALREADY
Advisor is not responsive
HVAC commitee does have pre-dental advisors they can reach out to
Uses a spreadsheet to make sure he’s taking all the classes he needs to
Can’t think of another way to do it
Contact: jet200004@utdallas.edu FOLLOW UP EMAIL SEND ALREADY
Advisors are responsive to an extend; however, believes they change too often and thinks they are unreliable
Haven’t found advisors beneficial and hasn’t contacted them since freshman year
Get more information from just taking to peers
Uses the flowchart
Has no trouble following it
For transfer credits she just marks off the credits they count towards
Would be willing to try an interactive flow chart
Has seen her transcript before (lots of people haven't)
Not all schools have a flowchart
Contact: dpb200002@utdallas.edu FOLLOW UP SENT ALREADY
When freshman and was transferring back in 2021, advisors were good
Now it’s patchy because advisors change so often
Uses schedule planner and references the flow chart
Just annotates the flowchart
Showed me their flowchart and it’s heavily annotated
Just follows the flow chart - doesn’t look at anything else
Uses RMF and UTDGrades
Never plans for future semesters (but maybe said he would if he had to tools to)
Graduates in Spring ‘24
olivacuencalaura@gmail.com FOLLOW UP SENT ALREADY
Name: Kumud Arora
Major: Computer Science