Product Managers are the strategic visionaries who steer the entire product journey from inception to success 🗺️ . They're immersed in market analysis, user feedback, and business insights to shape a product's roadmap. Collaborating adeptly with designers, engineers, and stakeholders, they synthesize these inputs into actionable plans, ensuring seamless coordination to deliver exceptional features, prioritize enhancements, and refine the user experience, all while keeping an eagle eye on the big picture of the product's overall success.
How to get Involved
To be announced. However, coming to our kickoff is a great way to start!!
Our Fall 2023 kickoff will be on September 5th 7:00PM at ECSW 1.315!! 🎉 Don’t worry, this is super easy 🙂 Start by attending our weekly project meetings to get a better sense on what we do on a week-to-week basis. We encourage all new recruits to attend at least two project meetings (preferably for different projects) and one division meeting.
After that, if you feel that you are ready to contribute, fill out the interest form below to get matched to one of our projects.
Info |
Our matching process exists to put new recruits in the best environment for them to thrive and help build strong teams for project leads. From our experience last year, we realized that a laissez faire approach to recruitment led to uneven and volatile team sizes that also left many recruits feeling uninformed and left behind. We believe that this approach will help project leads find all the team members needed to build out their projects, as well as provide recruits with a better experience within the org. |
Weekly Meetings
Name | Date/Time | Location | Point of Contact |
API/Platform | Mondays @7:30PM | FN 2.302 | Josh Discord: sysr00t |
Jupiter | Wednesdays @7:00PM | FN 2.106 | Ruben Olano Discord: rub_o |
Trends/Sk.edge | Thursdays @11:30AM | TBD | William Skaggs Discord: iamwood |
Planner | Mondays @7:00PM | FO 2.404 | Ragini Tiwari Discord: ragini15 |
Design Division | TBD | TBD | Hilary Nguyen Email: nguyenhilary0907@gmail.com Discord: thedesigner. |
Engineering Division | TBD | TBD | Jason Antwi-Appah Discord: jasonaa |
Product Division | TBD | TBD | Sharon Lnu Discord: sharon lnu#6027 |