Item | Notes |
Introductions | |
What is Trends | Search grades + RateMyProfessor data Compare different searches vs. Work to be done You can work on any division Questions Default sorting: Issue up for grabs Make ratings in Trends: Up for discussion post-redesign Mobile friendly: usable Can you see RMP reviews in Trends?: No Tech stack: Nect.js, React, Typescript Lauch data: Be ready by Why React?: industry standard
Discuss: LHS Information overload | |
Discuss: RHS Compare | |
Consensus on the LHS | Problem Summary Differences in scale, which end is good/bad, overloading from too many colors, make this decision difficult
Potential Solutions GPA vs Letter Grade Differences in 0.1 of GPA(How impactful is that) Most courses have B average in classes Is GPA that important? Lots of numbers so some letters might be okay Raw GPA might be better If we use letters just get rid of the colors. General Consensus: Show average letter grade in the results, show average GPA in the expanded card and compare page
Rating Sizing Styling Difficulty Talk Take out difficulty and just keep everything else Might just hide the difficulty One reasoning is our university has the grade distribution which is more accurate to the specific class’s difficulty idea: have an optional 3rd column where users can select some metric to sort by
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